ARCHIWUM » WYDARZENIA / IMPREZY » Rok 2005 » ACTE visit in Tuszyn (11.05.2005)

ACTE representatives  visit In Tuszyn City Hall.


Tuszyn City Hall was place in which on May the 11-th meeting was hold with representatives of  European Textile Collectivities Association (ACTE ).


The European Textile Collectivities  (ACTE), created in 1991 in Guimaraes, Portugal, represents interests of regions and cities with a strong presence of the textile and clothing sector. ACTE currently comprises 52 members from 7 EU Member States plus Croatia.


The main activities of ACTE are to act as lobby at the different institutions to obtain better conditions for the regions and to provide a platform for the exchange of experiences and project between its members.


ACTE played a very active role during its participation in the High Group for textiles and clothing (HLG) set up by the European Commission in 2004 and presented its proposals summarized in the Sabadell Declaration.


In 2005 ACTE foresees to increase its representation in the new Member States of the enlarged Europe therefore ACTE visit in Tuszyn.



ACTE's members hosted in Tuszyn City Hall:


Mr. Jean Pierre Perdieu - President of ACTE ,

Mr. Teodoro Romero - Executive Secretary of ACTE,

Mr. Roger Pumares - Member of the Executive Secretariat ,

Ms. Christina Marent - ACTE Delegate in Brussels.


Tuszyn Commune was represented by:


Tadeusz Walas - City Mayor 

Jan Bielicki - Vice City Mayor,

Marcin Król - City Secretary


Regional business was represented by:


Piotr Grzegorzewski with his doughter Monika - Ovner of MAG-TEX  ( shopping center in Tuszyn City ),


Zbigniew Lesiak - Director of AFIX ( shopping center in Głuchów - rural area in Tuszyn  Commune ).



Tadeusz Walas - City Mayor expressed his kin interesting in Tuszyn accession to ACTE but he also stressed that this subject is to be discuss with Tuszyn's Council before any decision would be taken.


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Informacja opublikowana przez:
  Artur Olasik dnia 25 sierpień 2006 godz. 11:12
Ostatnia modyfikacja: [Rejestr zmian]
  Artur Olasik dnia 29 sierpień 2006 godz. 09:43
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  21933 od 25 sierpień 2006 godz. 11:12  (średnio 4.33 odsłon/dobę)

Urząd Miasta w Tuszynie